I am an Assistant Professor in Sociology at Columbia University and a member of the Data Science Institute. I use causal inference and machine learning methods to study urban inequality, violence, and racial disparities in policing. My work has been published in the American Journal of Sociology, the American Sociological Review, Demography, the Journal of Urban Economics, PLOS One, and the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, among other peer-reviewed journals. My research has been funded by the Russell Sage Foundation and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Findings from my research have been featured in The New York Times, The Washington Post, and Bloomberg. I received my PhD in Sociology from New York University in 2019, a Master’s in Public Policy from the Harvard Kennedy School of Government in 2014, and a BS in Engineering from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia in 2004. Before graduate school, I was a firefighter at Barcelona Fire Department from 2007 to 2011. In my free time, I enjoy running, cycling, and hiking.
‣ The article “Severe Tornadoes and Infant Birth Weight in the United States,” co-authored with Nicholas Mark and Ethan Raker, has been accepted at Demography.
‣ The article “From the Block to the Beat: How Violence in Officers’ Neighborhoods Influences Racially Biased Policing,” co-authored with Samuel Donahue, has been accepted at the American Journal of Sociology.
‣ The article “The Fall of Violence and the Reconfiguration of Urban Neighborhoods,” co-authored with Patrick Sharkey, has been accepted at Demography.
‣ The article “Police violence reduces trust in the police among Black residents,” co-authored with Jonathan Ben-Menachem, has been published in PLoS ONE.
‣ Kara Rudolph and I have been awarded a grant from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to study the relationship between community-level exposure to aggressive policing and adverse childhood experiences.
‣ I wrote a chapter for the book Between Us: Healing Ourselves and Changing the World Through Sociology (edited by Marika Lindholm and Elizabeth Anne Wood and published by Chicago University Press) revisiting my time as a firefighter in Barcelona through the lens of sociological concepts.
‣ The article “Exposure to Crime and Racial Birth Outcome Disparities,” co-authored with Nicholas Mark, has been published in the Journal of Urban Health.
‣ The article “Neighborhood Safety and Neighborhood Police Violence Are Associated with Psychological Distress among English‐ and Spanish‐Speaking Transgender Women of Color in New York City: Finding from the TURNNT Cohort Study,” co-authored with Dustin Duncan and others, has been published in the Journal of Urban Health.
‣ I am grateful for the opportunity to join the Russsell Sage Visiting Scholar Class of 2024–2025.
‣ The study “Understanding Why EmpaTeach Did Not Reduce Teachers’ Use of Violence in Nyarugusu Refugee Camp: A Quantitative Process Evaluation of a School-Based Violence Prevention Intervention,” co-authored with researchers from the Behavioral Insights Team, the International Rescue Committee, and the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, has been published in PLoS Global Public Health.
‣ The research that Sam Donahue and I are doing on the effects of diversity and peer influences in policing has been awarded a Trustee Grant from the Russell Sage Foundation.
‣ The article “Declining Violence and Improving Birth Outcomes in the US: Evidence from Birth Certificate Data,” co-authored with Nicholas Mark, has been published in Social Science and Medicine.
‣ The study “The EmpaTeach Intervention for Reducing Physical Violence from Teachers to Students in Nyarugusu Refugee Camp: A Cluster-Randomised Controlled Trial,” co-authored with researchers from the Behavioral Insights Team, the International Rescue Committee, and the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, has been published in PLoS Medicine.
‣ My article “Using Machine Learning to Estimate the Effect of Racial Segregation on COVID-19 Mortality in the United States” has been published at the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
‣ I started as an Assistant Professor in Sociology at Columbia University.
‣ My article “Crime and Inequality in Academic Achievement Across School Districts in the United States” has been published in Demography.
‣ I started as a postdoctoral researcher at Columbia University’s Data Science Institute.
Demography, 2025 (with Patrick Sharkey)
PLoS ONE, 2024 (with Jonathan Ben-Menachem)
Social Science and Medicine, 2022 (with Nicholas Mark)
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2021
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2018 (with Laia Balcells)
American Sociological Review, 2017 (with Patrick Sharkey and Delaram Takyar)
Journal of Urban Economics, 2017 (with Patrick Sharkey)